Along with the Pouch the Tote Bag was one of the first items I made from sails. I made a few bags for friends from a huge spinnaker sail I had acquired and they thought they were great and encouraged me to have a go at making more items. Their critique helped me develop the products I have for sale today.

I thought the size (38cmx36cm) would be a useful when you are just popping out and need to collect a few items, it’s not too big and it’s not too small. All of the bag is made, including the handles, from lightweight spinnaker sail so it hardly takes up any room when not in use.
I just made a basic bag to start with and after further consultation with friends they suggested it needed a storage pouch when not in use. The design I use today has a storage pouch which is attached to the bag so it folds away neatly when not in use.
I always have one of these tote bags with me as they are so useful, I love seeing them take shape and try to use a little bit if colour wherever possible although this does depend on the sails I have at the time.
These Tote Bags are only £8.00 are great for everyday use.