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The doorstop came about as an idea from a friend.  Her property has a very heavy door and she couldn’t find a doorstop that was up to the job so she asked me if I could make her one.  I needed to make a doorstop that weighed 3kg!

At the time I had just taken delivery of a red, white and blue spinnaker so the doorstop was made from this sail.  Generally I make them from spinnaker sails as there are a good selection of colours to work with.  The base is filled with sand and then I use a polyester filling to bulk out the shape.  The doorstops I sell are around 1kg in weight but I am happy to discuss heavier weights if you have heavy doors in your property.

The sewing of the doorstop is the easy part, filling them with sand takes time and most of my patience!  Luckily I managed to purchase a bag of spinnaker sail offcuts so I have a good mixture of colours to work with at the moment.

The door stops are just £15 and with a mixture of colours will brighten any home.

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