Another odd year in so many ways so let’s see what happens in 2022! Hopefully we’ll be able to get out and about a bit more and meet up more regularly with friends and family.
Here’s to a fantastic 2022 – stay safe everyone 😉

Another odd year in so many ways so let’s see what happens in 2022! Hopefully we’ll be able to get out and about a bit more and meet up more regularly with friends and family.
Here’s to a fantastic 2022 – stay safe everyone 😉
I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, I hope you manage to spend time with your family and friends.
Stay safe everyone!
Exciting news! I have a new bag to add the collection. This one is made from spinnaker sale and is a drawstring bag that can be worn over the shoulder or as a rucksack style. Very versatile for use when you are out and about and it packs away quite small when you aren’t using it.
There is an option for different colours and this will just depend on the colour of sail I have available at the time but this will be listed on the website. The string is also recycled wherever possible so it’s a great upcycled bag.
Only 73 sleeps until Christmas, if you’re looking for something Christmas themed I have now added them to my website. Head over to the shop where you’ll find them!
Ever look at a sail and wondered how it is turned into a bag? Here’s process I use to make my lovely bags.
When I collect a sail, I usually trim it into smaller pieces so it is more manageable (especially when they are as big as this one!) and I am unable to use some parts of the sail. This particular sail was huge so I definitely needed to make it smaller.
Once I have trimmed the sail, I use a template to cut the bag shapes. It’s much easier to cut a few bags at a time and the more space I have the better (the garden is the best cutting room!)
All the sails are washed to remove any excess dirt and sea salt, they are sometimes washed when the sail is still in one piece or sometimes once they have been cut. As this sail was so large it was easier to wash once cut.
Now it’s the easy part – sewing. Each bag has a double sewn edge which prevents any fraying of the material.
For this particular bag the handles are also made from sails, each one is sewn with a zig zag stitch to give it some character.
The final stage of making the bag is to sew on the handles, they are secured with a box stitch with criss cross stitching.
The finished bag! Looks great and is such a useful item to use when popping to the shops and it’s all upcycled!
Coastal Copper who entered via Instagram were announced as the winner of the Beach Bag on Friday!
Congratulations and well done – the bag is on it’s way to you
I hope you are all enjoying this Easter weekend and with some lockdown restrictions being eased we should be able to enjoy ourselves a little more.
Don’t eat too many chocolates!
Would you like to win this lovely Beach Bag made from used sails?
All you need to do is let me know where your favourite beach is – that’s it!! Either comment below this post or head over to Facebook or Instagram where you can also leave a comment. The winner will be announced on Friday. Good Luck!
Today is a day for celebrating our wonderful Mum’s. We may not be able hug them tight as we normally do, due to local restrictions however we hope that it won’t be too be too much longer. If like me your Mum is no longer with us then take the time to remember them and hopefully this will bring a big smile to your face.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a good Mum so if you are one of the lucky ones make sure you cherish her!!
We are all (hopefully) doing our bit to be more conscious about the environment and Out of Sails is no different. If you a you are local to Fareham, Portsmouth or the Isle of Wight then we will try and deliver your products by bike!!
‘DeliverStu’ as he’s now been called, will drop off my products to your door on his daily commute to work. He cycles in all weathers so even if it’s snowing we can still deliver! If you see him out and about make sure you give him a wave!